The Coppice School

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The Coppice School

Learn, Enjoy and Achieve

  1. Things We Need To Tell You
  2. Governors

A school Governing Body

What is a school Governing Body?

The Governing body is an active, supportive and representative group, whose members strive to work with staff and parents to provide the best possible provision for the pupils. The Governing body is made up of a combination of appointed, elected or co-opted members including parent governors.

The Governing body is involved in making decisions in partnership with the School senior leadership team on a wide range of issues

· Setting targets & policies

· Improving standards in education and achievement

· Budgets

· Long term planning

· Interviewing and appointing staff


The Coppice School Governors




Committee Governor Role Nominated Governor Strand Lead
Full Governing Body Helen Knell Chair of Governors Leadership and Management
Jan Reeves Vice Chair of Governors Quality of Education
Sarah Seddon Headteacher
Kieran Welsh EVC Behaviour and Attitudes
Peter Dewhurst Personal Development  
Alison Proudfoot Website 
Zelda McKechnie
Sharon MacKenzie Training Link 
Curriculum Helen Knell
Peter Dewhurst Vice Chair
Jan Reeves Chair SEN Governor
Zelda McKechnie
Sharon MacKenzie Clerk
Sarah Seddon Headteacher
Kieran Welsh
Premises, Health and Safety Jan Reeves
Helen Knell Vice Chair Safeguarding
Zelda McKechnie Staff Wellbeing
Sharon MacKenzie Clerk
Alison Proudfoot Chair Online Safety/ Website Health and Safety
Sarah Seddon Prevent
Parent Vacancy
Staffing and Finance Kieran Welsh Chair
Helen Knell Vice Chair
Sarah Seddon
Sharon MacKenzie
Alison Proudfoot
Appraisal  Helen Knell Chair
Jan Reeves
Peter Dewhurst
Pay  Kieran Welsh Chair
Alison Proudfoot Vice Chair
Jan Reeves
Sarah Seddon
Co-opted Vacancy

The governing body welcomes observers to meetings, e.g. observers may also be members of staff who are invited to attend committees to provide advice, guidance or present reports. Observers do not have voting rights and therefore do not take part in any decision making. 

Please note that there are other ad hoc committees which are essential to the effective discharge of the governing body's legal responsibilities for:

  • staffing appointments, grievance, conduct and discipline, capability, suspension or dismissal of individual school staff members;
  • staff grievance;
  • pupil discipline (exclusions);


Governors have completed a Business Interest form online. 

A summary of the completed forms is as follows; 

Governor Business interests Nature of business interest Governor at another educational establishment Relationship with any school staff member
Helen Knell Yes Accountancy No No
Jan Reeves No n/a No No
Kieran Welsh No n/a Yes  - Astley Park School No
Zelda McKechnie No n/a No No
Alison Proudfoot No n/a No No
Sarah Seddon No n/a Yes - Astley Park School No
Peter Dewhurst No n/a No No
Sharon MacKenzie No n/a No No


Governor Attendance

 Governor Attendance 2019 20.pdfDownload
 Governor Attendance 2020-21.pdfDownload
 Governor Attendance 2021-22.pdfDownload
 Governor Attendance 2022-23.pdfDownload
 Governor Attendance 2023-24.pdfDownload
Showing 1-5 of 5

Governor Terms of Office


Governor Training


The school maintains a complete record of all governor training undertaken. 

Safeguarding and Child Protection training undertaken includes;