Oak Class
Oak Spring term
Debbie Bagwell (speel) on: Oak Class
All of our students have continued to develop their skills within the Preparation for Adulthood curriculum. We are maintaining a focus on Healthy Living and providing the students with further opportunities for their leisure and recreation. As well as ongoing access to Conductive Education, Hydrotherapy, swimming, the gym and the Tennis Centre some students have been able to attend sessions at Preston Trampoline Club.
Independent Living Skills continue to be a focus, and all of the students access local shops and cafes on a rota to enable them to applying English and Maths skills within real life experiences. Our weekly cooking session provides opportunities to develop a full range of skills, and we used the Chinese New Year as a theme to explore different foods and to cook a stir-fry for lunch.
This term in PSHE we have been learning about Mental Health and wellbeing. Students have been working on internet safety and the impacts of social media. We have also been thinking about things we can do to support our mental health and participating in activities we enjoy. The More Music company lead weekly music sessions, and these provide our students with an engaging and interactive opportunity to support emotional and mental health. The school nurses have also been supporting our learning in Relationships and Sex Education by focusing on puberty and changes to our bodies with some of our students.