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The Coppice School

Learn, Enjoy and Achieve

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  3. Oak Class Blog

Oak Class

Autumn term

Debbie Bagwell (speel) on: Oak Class

Oak class (College) have made a fantastic start to the new school year. We have welcomed new students and staff into the group who have moved up from Maple class and everyone has settled well.

This term we are planning to extend the Further Education Curriculum offer in a number of ways. The students are making their own lunch each Thursday, working together as a team to create a main meal and pudding. This also involves meal planning, writing shopping lists and going shopping for the ingredients to further develop their skills in preparation for adulthood. We are increasing access to physical activities to develop leisure and recreation skills for the future of our young people too. A group have joined the weekly swimming group at Bamber Bridge Pool and a larger group will be attending the gym at the Tennis Centre. In addition, we will be participating in further community activities, such as bowling and cycling during the year. This work will support the students in their work towards the ASDAN Personal Progress Qualification, completing the unit “Participating in different sporting activities” during the year.

The World Faith focus for this term is Judaism and in PSHE we will be working on friendships, Citizenship and Internet Safety. All students will also complete the unit “Engaging in New Creative Activities” towards the ASDAN Personal Progress Qualification. Some students will attend Runshaw College whilst others will remain at school to engage in a variety of activities towards this award. The whole school topic theme is Seasons and Celebrations so we will use this as inspiration for our creative activities.

June Walker

Oak Class Teacher