Our values and ethos
The Coppice School is an all age (2-19 years) special school for children and young people with severe or profound and multiple learning difficulties, including those with additional complex needs.
We are a dedicated staff who work in close partnership with parents, carers and other professionals. This ensures that we can effectively meet the needs of individual learners and their families in a supportive and caring environment.
We believe that our school places learning at the heart of all activities and daily routines. Pupils gain so much from actively finding out about the world around them through
quality learning experiences and multi sensory activities.
Effective communication is the foundation for all aspects of learning and we are passionate in ensuring that pupils grow and develop as confident communicators.
Through a broad and balanced curriculum we effectively meet the learning needs of all pupils with a differentiated and personalised approach. The stimulating learning environments we offer play a crucial part in developing all our pupils into happy, safe and motivated individuals.
The school harnesses the learning opportunities that the community has to offer through a range of educational visits and visitors, excellent links with local schools, colleges and outside agencies.
Meeting the individual needs of our pupils underpins everything we do here at The Coppice School. We firmly believe that children and young people learn best when they are enjoying themselves and to this end we strive to make learning motivating, challenging and fun!
Lessons and activities are carefully planned to ensure pupils are motivated to do their very best in everything they try and we value and encourage perseverance and determination.
During their early years at The Coppice School children learn about their world in the secure, happy environment of our well equipped classrooms. Learning is firmly based in play and we are passionate in our belief that children learn best when they are having fun!
Our older pupils gradually begin to venture further afield and they have exciting opportunities to learn in the wider community. At The Coppice School we are proud of our close partnerships with local colleges and high schools and we often come together to share and learn from each other.
Whatever their starting point we encourage all our pupils to become as independent as possible achieve their full potential in all they do, whether this is academic, physical, recreational or personal.
Where therapies are needed to support our pupils or help them access the curriculum, we ensure that they become an integral part of the school day.
Our pupils take part in celebrations of achievement such as local music festivals, dance festivals and joint school productions at local theatres or drama studios.
At The Coppice School, all pupils’ achievements are recognised and celebrated in ways that are both meaningful and age appropriate to the child or young person.
Individual Learning Pathways for each pupil lead to appropriate accreditation and work-related learning in preparation for adulthood. We encourage pupils to develop high aspirations and consider options and choices for their future life. Pupils are enabled to make successful transitions to the next stage of their life in partnership with parents and other agencies.
We are always pleased to welcome visitors and new friends to The Coppice School. Please contact us to arrange a visit.