Maple Class
Maple Spring term
Debbie Bagwell (speel) on: Maple Class
Happy New Year from everyone in Maple class. It has been great to hear what everyone has been up to during the Christmas break.
This term the pupils will be taking part in a range of lessons and activities linked to our theme ‘Transport- Getting out and about’. In our history lessons we have begun to look at how transport has changed over the years, some of us created our own transport timeline whilst others created their own transport pictures. Later in the term we are hoping to visit the local transport museum to explore a range of vehicles.
Pupils are continuing to take part in lessons at Runshaw college, so far, they have taken part in drama themed sessions, pupils were taking the lead and acting out transport themed jobs such as being part of cabin crew and driving taxis.
As part of the ASDAN unit ‘Taking part in physical activities’ some pupils have been attending trampoline lessons at Preston Trampoline Centre, so far, the pupils have been learning some basic trampoline tricks and have been putting them together to create a sequence of tricks.
Our sensory story this term is ‘Our Little Orange Car’, pupils have been exploring a range of sensory based items linked to different aspects of the story.
Our PSHE topic is ‘Wonderful Me’, the pupils will be exploring emotions as well as creating their own family tree which they will share with their peers.