The Coppice School

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The Coppice School

Learn, Enjoy and Achieve

  1. Parents
  2. Online Safety

Online Safety

At The Coppice School our pupils make full and appropriate use of the internet, mobile devices and other forms of electronic communication to support their learning. We work to ensure that our online access is robust and secure through the management of our broadband, network switching, network cabling, wireless network and cyber security. We ensure that our children and young people are safe whilst using the technologies available to them through the appropriate use of web filtering systems, staff training and development and monitoring processes. 

Research tells us that some groups of learners, including those with special educational needs, are more vulnerable and more at risk than others when using technologies. During 2022-3 we will re-establish our Online Safety Working Group, with the aim of meeting regularly to drive the school's development in this area and to develop strategies for safer internet use as part of  a personalised approach to individual children's learning.

Parents are welcome to seek advice and support from the school - on this page you will also find some links to a  number of online resources that parents/carers and those working with children with special educational needs might find useful.

Online Safety Group Terms of reference

The document below outlines the purpose and structure of the working group.