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The Coppice School

Learn, Enjoy and Achieve

  1. Parents
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  3. Chestnut Class Blog

Chestnut Class

Chestnut Spring term

Claire Howatson (chowatson) on: Chestnut Class

What a busy half term, we cannot believe that it’s almost over. We have worked so hard and would like to share with you some of the highlights. This term’s topic has been transport and we have explored this theme in many different ways, through sensory stories and exploration, music, games and movement to name but a few. Together as a school we have also celebrated Chinese New Year and have had lots of fun exploring all things related to the festival.

We have all been working hard to improve our numeracy, literacy and communication skills through various means including messy play.

We are all looking forward to the better weather so we can continue our learning outdoors.