Autumn term
Posted: Nov 6, 2024 by: Debbie Bagwell (dbagwell) on: Maple Class
A big welcome back to all the pupils after the summer break. This year we have welcomed five new pupils into Maple Class, everyone has settled in well and are enjoying being in their new environment.
This term our topic theme is ‘Seasons and Celebrations’, the pupils have and will be taking part in a variety of curriculum-based activities around this topic. Our Art and Music lessons are based around the Mexican Festival ‘Day of the Dead’, we are beginning to create a mariachi band, by exploring the different instruments and outfits worn by the band.
Some of our pupils are back at Runshaw College, this term they are taking part in Art and Design based sessions, they will be designing and creating a variety of different objects such as jewellery boxes and fabric monsters.
Our sensory learners will be taking part in topic themed music and movement, tac pac, sensory art and attention time sessions.