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The Coppice School

Learn, Enjoy and Achieve

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  3. Maple Class Blog


Autumn Term

Posted: Oct 21, 2022 by: Debbie Bagwell (speel) on: Maple Class

Maple Class are really pleased to welcome all our pupils back to school after the summer holidays. We have welcomed one new pupil to our school and class this year, who has settled in very well. We extend our welcome to a new teaching assistant in Maple Class, Kelly, who also joined in September.

This term we are looking at the Victorians. We have already been working very hard on this topic by exploring some of the equipment, objects, photographs and documents from the Victorian era. We were very lucky to have visitors in school who demonstrated what it was like to attend a school during those times. We are looking forward to finding out how the Victorians celebrated Christmas.

Some of the pupils continue to learn life skills. They are developing their understanding of money at tuck time. They are also making their own toast, washing, drying and putting their dishes away. In addition to this Maple Class have been practising their weighing, chopping, grating and peeling skills in cookery. They have been preparing and cooking some delicious ‘dips and dippers’. Some of the pupils have even tried new foods! We have enjoyed guacamole with pitta bread, cous-cous and coleslaw. Our sensory learners have explored the ingredients and equipment.

In RE this term, we have been learning about Judaism. We have been looking at Shabbat and have been listening to some Jewish music, which all of us have thoroughly enjoyed! We continued to use and improve our cookery skills by making Jewish bread.

In Numeracy we have been looking at non-standard units of measurements. We have used cubes, trundle wheels and our hands and feet to measure parts of the school.

During English we have been looking at the story ‘Alice In Wonderland’. The children have been reading the story together and are working very hard on their sentence structure. Our sensory learners have been exploring and choosing different materials to create their own characters from the story.

The focus in World Studies this term is Australia. Maple Class have made their own passports, packing and exploring items and clothing they would need for a visit to Australia as well as experiencing a flight simulator.

We have all enjoyed our ‘World of Work Week’, where we have had fantastic and inspiring speeches, demonstrations and opportunities to explore and try activities from a mechanic, Visual Impairment Specialists, site manager, cook, hairdresser and a theatre nurses who told us all about their jobs, which we really enjoyed and would like to thank all the people who generously gave us their time.

It has been a very positive start to our school year and we are looking forward to sharing our progress in future blogs.