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The Coppice School

Learn, Enjoy and Achieve

  1. Parents
  2. Class blogs
  3. Beech Class Blog


Welcome back!

Posted: Nov 1, 2023 by: Debbie Bagwell (dbagwell) on: Beech Class

What a busy half term we have had in Beech class. We have been adjusting to new pupils and new staff and have all been amazing!

We have been practicing our Key Maths and Literacy skills, and have seen lots of super counting, as well as some super fingers working hard to develop fine motor skills whilst playing with play dough.

Our topic this term is 'Music Around the World' and we have all engaged well listening to a variety of different styles of music. We have also had music sessions with Anni and all explored the different instruments well. As part of the topic, we are also looking at Pop Art and have begun to create our own Pop Art pictures using black and white photographs of ourselves and brightly coloured back grounds. Watch this space for the final products, we can't wait to see what they look like!