The Coppice School

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The Coppice School

Learn, Enjoy and Achieve

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  3. Chestnut Class Blog


Hot, Hot, Hot!

Posted: Jul 5, 2023 by: Debbie Bagwell (speel) on: Chestnut Class

We have been carrying on with our topic work this half term and started to think about ‘hot places’ and what we might find there. We loved looking at all the different animals from those places and realised that we are a class of animal lovers! As well as our topic work we have also been all working hard with our Maths and Literacy learning. We have been looking at Capacity and making containers ‘full’ and ‘empty’, sorting items, problem solving, and practising our writing, spelling and mark making. This half term some pupils have been to yoga sessions in the hall with Katie from Sports Development and have tried very hard to copy the different moves. A highlight for this half term has to be learning and performing in our annual play. All the pupils were amazing including our Gingerbread Man. The staff are all extremely proud of our young learners this year, well done team Chestnut!