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The Coppice School

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  3. Chestnut Class Blog


'Doctor's and Nurses'

Posted: May 16, 2022 by: Debbie Bagwell (speel) on: Chestnut Class

This term in Chestnut Class we are covering the topic of ‘Doctors and Nurses’. We have all enjoyed lots of role play and are looking forward to a visit from our lovely school nurse Shakila very soon. We have been listening to the story of ‘Zog and the Flying Doctors’ and done some excellent matching of pictures and words where appropriate. We have also been learning about our bodies in Science and singing lots of new songs to learn about our body parts. In History we have been learning about Florence Nightingale and how she is a famous nurse from a long time ago. We have been looking at ‘length’ and ‘capacity’ in Maths with lots of fun play and water exploration. We have also been completing lots of sensory regulatory activities which the pupils have done so well with and been working on developing our fine motor skills during messy play. Very busy! We are beginning to get ready for the Platinum Jubilee celebrations next week with different arts and crafts and even a little bit of baking. We're really looking forward to all the fun.