The Coppice School

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The Coppice School

Learn, Enjoy and Achieve

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  3. Acorn Class Blog


Big, Wide World.

Posted: Feb 6, 2024 by: Debbie Bagwell (dbagwell) on: Acorn Class

We welcomed everyone back after the Christmas holidays and started work straight away on our new topic for this term. The whole school focus on ‘Big Wide, World’ with our class focus on ‘Animals and their Homes’. So far the children have really enjoyed finding out about animals that live in the ice and snow. They enjoyed a sensory story about going on a polar bear hunt. We used drums, ice and water and we even managed some real snow as it arrived right on cue! For imaginative play we had a lovely polar small world set with penguins, polar bears, reindeer and some people with an igloo and canoe. We added some shaving foam and cotton wool for extra snow and had ice cubes for the added cold. The children all loved exploring the different textures and it was lots of fun, making a mess!!