Look Around
Posted: May 24, 2023 by: Debbie Bagwell (speel) on: Acorn Class
Our Summer Term topic has been ‘Mountains, Deserts and Seas’- Look Around. We have introduced a whole school 'Sign of the Week' to link in with our topic work so I hope you have been looking at the newsletter each week to see which sign we have been learning. We have looked at the mountains and deserts so far this term, learning that there are very cold, frozen deserts, as well as hot, dry sandy ones but even in both of these climates we have seen animals that can live there. We have been reading a lovely story about the Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson which is about a journey around the world to see different environments linked to our topic. We have also been enjoying a short sensory story where we can explore each aspect of the different habitats ending up with a small volcano with erupting lava!
We have been able to enjoy the outdoors a bit more now the weather is improving so we have made a few trips out and about to different local habitats for instance the park to explore for ourselves.
Some of the children have been taking part in 'Tots on Tyres' as part of 'Bike ability' over the last few weeks which they have really enjoyed. Some of the other pupils have been taking part in Conductive Education with Jules McDonald and again have had fun, but been working really hard too. Well done Acorn Class for learning lots of new and exciting skills!