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The Coppice School

Learn, Enjoy and Achieve

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  3. Acorn Class Blog


In the Spotlight

Posted: Mar 15, 2023 by: Debbie Bagwell (speel) on: Acorn Class

We have continued to enjoy our topic ‘In The Spotlight! - Here I am!’ The stage has been extremely popular with children dressing up and performing; singing, dancing and playing instruments. We have also made our own instruments using natural materials which has been a big hit! We have also been using our nursery rhyme choosing board to encourage choice making and to promote independence.

This term we have created a display of the silhouettes and faces of the children. The children really enjoyed being creative, firstly looking in the mirror and then making their paper plate faces. They also loved being traced around to create a silhouette which we then painted in school uniform colours.

We have been reading a variety of story books relating to different emotions. We have been linking the School Emotion characters; ‘Good to Go’, ‘Low’, ‘Unsettled’ and ‘In Crisis’, to different parts or events in the book. We have also related the emotion characters to how we are feeling eg when we made pancakes we tasted lemons which made us sad but tasting the icing sugar made us happy. We are looking forward to continuing our work on emotions.

Pancake Day was a success! The children loved exploring the ingredients and mixing them together.