The Coppice School

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The Coppice School

Learn, Enjoy and Achieve

  1. Parents
  2. Class blogs
  3. Acorn Class Blog



Posted: Jul 18, 2022 by: Debbie Bagwell (speel) on: Acorn Class

We are fast approaching the end of the summer term and it seems like this year has flown by. We have been enjoying practising our class Singalong performance and hope those of you who came to watch, enjoyed it.

Acorn Class have all been enjoying their weekly visits to The Space Centre and also the lovely weather we have had so far. We have been able to get to play outside in our outdoor area and also visit the sensory garden each week. We hope that the Easter egg seed bombs that your child brought home have done as well as the one we put into our garden - it is amazing!  As well as all the fun things we have been up to, the pupils have also been working hard and it’s fantastic to see that the hard work over the year has paid off as they are showing us lots of new and independent skills nearly every day! They seem to have grown up so much.

We hope you have an enjoyable summer break and look forward to welcoming everyone back in September! We bid farewell to some pupils moving into other classes and hope that they settle in quickly and enjoy their new classes.